Lose Weight More Fertile so - Kompas.co
Couples who have not given offspring should not grieve first. It may be that the problem is excess weight.
Being overweight or obese give a negative impact on health, including fertility. Therefore, losing weight is a critical step to reduce the negative health risks. In addition, research shows that men who lose weight obese are also more likely to make their partner pregnant.
The team of researchers from the University of Sherbrooke, Canada, conducted research on 65 couples who were referred to a fertility clinic. The men were then sent to a weekly group session on nutrition and physical activity for a year.
The results show, the man who can make his partner pregnant are those who lose the most weight. One researcher, Dr. Jean-Patrice Baillargeon believes, obesity can directly affect the number of sperm, also affect the quality of sperm with DNA subtly changing. Only, Dr Baillargeon added, both men and women who are overweight or obese, should be encouraged to lose weight when they plan to have children.
In addition to weight loss, cancer drugs also help infertile men to have children. Drug letrozole, which is used in breast cancer and as a treatment of fertility in women, focused on studies related to fertility.
Excess fat in men can change the balance of sex hormones, which in turn affects the number of sperm. Letrozole can stop the breakdown of testosterone into estrogen. According to Dr. Lena Salgado, from the University of Montreal, letrozole is a fertility treatment that draws heavily on hipogonadism related to obesity.
Meanwhile, Prof Allan Pacey of the University of Sheffield, said poor lifestyle has long been suspected as a factor in male fertility. And these findings open the possibility for them to have children. Although the findings of letrozole enough to give hope, according to him, there is no magic cure for all cases related to poor sperm production.
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Couples who have not given offspring should not grieve first. It may be that the problem is excess weight.
Being overweight or obese give a negative impact on health, including fertility. Therefore, losing weight is a critical step to reduce the negative health risks. In addition, research shows that men who lose weight obese are also more likely to make their partner pregnant.
The team of researchers from the University of Sherbrooke, Canada, conducted research on 65 couples who were referred to a fertility clinic. The men were then sent to a weekly group session on nutrition and physical activity for a year.
The results show, the man who can make his partner pregnant are those who lose the most weight. One researcher, Dr. Jean-Patrice Baillargeon believes, obesity can directly affect the number of sperm, also affect the quality of sperm with DNA subtly changing. Only, Dr Baillargeon added, both men and women who are overweight or obese, should be encouraged to lose weight when they plan to have children.
In addition to weight loss, cancer drugs also help infertile men to have children. Drug letrozole, which is used in breast cancer and as a treatment of fertility in women, focused on studies related to fertility.
Excess fat in men can change the balance of sex hormones, which in turn affects the number of sperm. Letrozole can stop the breakdown of testosterone into estrogen. According to Dr. Lena Salgado, from the University of Montreal, letrozole is a fertility treatment that draws heavily on hipogonadism related to obesity.
Meanwhile, Prof Allan Pacey of the University of Sheffield, said poor lifestyle has long been suspected as a factor in male fertility. And these findings open the possibility for them to have children. Although the findings of letrozole enough to give hope, according to him, there is no magic cure for all cases related to poor sperm production.
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