Tips month Lose 10 Kg Weight Without Olahr
Intention to lose weight often do we say when we will undergo significant events, such as weddings, graduations, or would like a job interview. But, is there a way to lose weight quick and effective? The best way to lose weight is healthy is to reduce calorie intake and increase physical activity. But, in fact, we can also reduce weight, for example, with a target of 10 kg in a month, even without exercise. The following tips: 1. Keep your calorie intake kaloriBatasi intake of no more than 1,100 calories per day. Indeed, this seems difficult, but we did have to cut calories if you want to be slimmer. Calorie restriction can be done by making small changes, such as reducing simple carbohydrates such as bread or rice, replace whole milk with low-fat milk, reducing fried foods, and eat 4-5 times to eat small meals rather than three large meals to make metabolism remains active. 2. Avoid manisMinumlah drink 10-12 glasses of water every day. Avoid all sugary drinks, including soft drinks, juices, milk, tea or coffee with sugar, and alcohol. These drinks are high in calories but do not provide the nutrients. 3. Create jurnalLacak what you eat and drink every day in a food journal. Doing this will help us keep track of daily calorie intake. You can also download the application on your phone to calculate calorie needs and also how much it burned through exercise in sehari.3. Meet the needs vitaminSelain high intake of fiber and vitamins through food, you can also take supplements to make sure the body does not lack of nutrition. Amino acid supplement L-glutamine can also help us reduce the desire to eat at the same time accelerate the burning lemak.4. Do you menimbangWalau often wondered whether the programs have been successful or not, but hold themselves not often weigh. Sebainya done only once a week. Weighed every day can make us lazy if weight loss efforts do not run as fast as expected.
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